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Click on the following links or scroll down to see the numerous eBook collections we have at NMIT.
ProQuest eBook Central | Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts | Bridget Williams eBooks |
Business eBooks from CCH | Clinical Key | EBSCO eBooks |
Open Access Collections |
If you are new to eBooks, check out out 'Accessing eBooks at NMIT Library' video first, which mainly focuses on accessing books from ProQuest eBooks Central.
ProQuest eBook Central(external link) is an ultimate ebook collection providing breadth and depth of authoritative content on all subject areas.
ProQuest eBook Central's Help guide(external link) includes set up instructions for Adobe Digital Editions Reader for your eBook download. If you have further questions, try NMIT's own How eBook Central work(external link) guide, or Proquest's How to videos(external link).
EBSCO eBooks(external link)
A collection of eBooks from EBSCO. This collection has more than 230,000 eBooks from different subject areas.
Bloomsbury visual arts(external link)
An interdisciplinary hub designed for research and learning across design, art, architecture, and related fields. This platform mainly facilitates thematic and chapter wise access to arts and media books from different collections. You can directly access the specific collections using the links below., or you can use the top link to access the whole platform.
Bloomsbury Animation Practice Collection(external link) | Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts(external link) |
Bloomsbury Design Studies Collection(external link) |
Using the books dropdown menu option of the ‘content types’ tab above the search box, you can directly access whole books rather than chapters. It also includes a few subject guides and lesson plans.
BWB Critical Issues Collection(external link)
High-quality eBooks, including short texts, addressing the big issues facing New Zealand.
BWB New Zealand History Collection(external link)
A collection of eBooks about the history of New Zealand, from earliest beginnings to present day.
BWB New Zealand Sign Language Collection(external link)
Includes a few eBooks about New Zealand sign language and deaf experience.
BWB Te Pouhere Kōrero Collection(external link)
Access the digitized volume 10 of the journal Te Pouhere Kōrero – Māori History, Māori People, which focuses on the new history curricula launched across all schools in Aotearoa New Zealand in 2023. Earlier volumes of this journal are accessible through the BWB New Zealand History Collection(external link).
The Treaty of Waitangi Collection(external link)
Leading thinking on New Zealand's foundational document, including works by Claudia Orange, Judith Binney and Aroha Ward.
The Texts Collection(external link)
Short eBooks on big topics by New Zealanders. The full range of short texts published by BWB, packed full of fresh thinking and critical analysis.
BWB Women's Studies Collection(external link)
This eBook Collection includes books that perceive New Zealand life through a female lens.
Business eBooks from CCH(external link)
Books related to employment, taxation, commercial law and HR from Wolters Kluwer CCH. Most of these books are specifically related to New Zealand.
ClinicalKey(external link)
Full-text access to a selected set of Elsevier's medical and nursing textbooks, procedural videos, and images. You can access the A-Z list of books by clicking on the books tab.
If you are not logged into the NMIT network, you will be prompted to log in using your NMIT email address and password.
If you are a first time user of ClinicalKey (a.k.a. Clinical Key), you need to register with your first and last name and your NMIT email address at the ClinicalKey website.
Open Access eBook collections (freely available to all)
Directory of Open Access Books(external link)
DOAB facilitates free access to peer reviewed open books from reputed publishers. While the majority of books are fully downloadable, only chapter downloads are allowed in a few.
National Academic Press Open(external link)
The National Academies Press (NAP) publishes the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine of USA, and provides free access to more than 10,000 books.
OASIS(external link)
Being a search tool for open access resources, Oasis brings together open access books listed under different directories at one place. As Oasis search all types of OA materials, users have to limit their results to three categories, namely Open access books, text books, and public domain books, listed under ‘types’ at the top left-hand side of the results page to get only book results. Subject, title and author wise search is available.
Open Textbook Library(external link)
A collection of freely downloadable textbooks are available from this link.
Springer eBooks(external link)
Provides access to open access eBooks published by Springer under their different imprints, such as Springer Open, BioMedCentral, Nature Portfolio, Palgrave MacMillan, and Apress. From the new Springer search page, select the "old search page' by clicking the links available on the top right-hand side of the page. One needs to untick the ‘include preview only content’ box and select the limiter books to get only open access eBooks. Most of these books, except the latest ones, are available on DOAB.
Taylor and Francis eBooks(external link)
Taylor and Francis Group, which includes imprints like Routledge, Dove Press, Cogent OA, has an open access eBook collection of more than 2300 titles. It covers subject areas ranging from social sciences to STEM disciplines. While initiating a subject-wise search, filter your results by ticking the open access box in the ‘filter by’ options on the left side of the page.Though these titles are added to DOAB, new titles are only available on this website.