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We have a friendly and dedicated Library team, based at Nelson Campus, working to ensure ākonga and kaiako have access to quality, current information in a range of accessible formats.
Our industrious crew can help with your distance service needs, with suggesting a title for our collection, serials/magazine queries, sourcing interloans from other libraries and with research and referencing support using our Library resources.
Kia ora. My name is Emily and I am part of the Wellbeing, Library and Equity Team based on the Woodbourne and Blenheim NMIT campuses. I have started my journey with NMIT this year after significant time being a primary school teacher, and principal. My whanau home base is Whakatū, however I live in Waitohi/Picton. My biggest joy is to see others succeed. I can support you in many ways and help problem solve any tricky moments. I hope to be part of your learning journey leading to your graduation. Please come check out our whare pukapuka/ library and wellbeing centre in the Marlborough campus, Budge street. It is a great space to chill, develop wellbeing strategies, feed your mind and check out the lolly station. We are developing our Woodbourne campus ākonga/learner space. This is going to be exciting! I look forward to hearing your ideas either directly or in Have Your Say (
Lets catch up and have a chat!
Kia ora – I am a librarian with many years’ experience working in tertiary and special libraries. I can assist with referencing and research support. My motivation to work in a tertiary library is to see ākonga develop new skills and succeed in their chosen field, enabling greater lifetime opportunities. You can request a booking with me online(external link) or book in by contacting the Library by email or phone as below.
My role primarily focuses upon library services. I can assist with library database searching, APA referencing, research support and open access resources. I enjoy helping ākonga who find it difficult to wade through the library resources or find few results for their research queries. You can request a booking with me online(external link) or book in by contacting the Library by email or phone as below.
Come and see us in person or you can book in to see us for a one-to-one appointment by submitting a request(external link) for ‘finding resources/research skills’ or for an APA referencing skills appointment or contacting us below by phone or email:
Nelson campus: 03 539-5068 or
Marlborough campus: 03 577-2852 or
NMIT also have an extensive range of other student support(external link) services available to assist you on your learning journey.
We look forward to working with you soon.