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Standards New Zealand(external link)
On-line catalogue of standards, news and copies of draft standards. Please create an account using your NMIT email address and follow the setup instructions provided.
Standards New Zealand is a business unit within the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. The majority of the standards are developed in partnership with Standards Australia.
Access and restrictions
Please note that although you may download a single copy of a Standards New Zealand document to your personal computer for research or study purposes, you are not permitted to save, sell, transfer, or copy this PDF file. Nor are you permitted to place the PDF file on a network of any sort.
You may print one copy only of each Standards New Zealand document - this copy is restricted to you.
It is prohibited to circulate Standards New Zealand documents by electronic means.
All downloaded Standards New Zealand documents must be deleted upon completion of your course of study, or when NMIT notifies you that the subscription has expired.
Building up an electronic or hardcopy reference collection is prohibited.
For teaching staff, please note, as above, students are permitted to print out a single copy of each Standards New Zealand document. However, you are not allowed to include Standards New Zealand documents in course pack information.