
Check out the research databases and websites for your subject below

DISCOVERY Search(external link)

This search interface facilitates simultaneous search of all library resources, including physical and electronic, in one place. Through this platform, you can search print books, eBooks, and all resources available through our databases, such as electronic journal articles, theses, book chapters, and reports.

Popular multi-subject databases

The following databases cover a huge range of subjects including articles related to business.

ProQuest(external link)
Academic Search Complete(external link)
Science Direct(external link)
Academic OneFile(external link)

To access multisubject search interfaces from leading publishers like Springer(external link) see this Academic Publishers Open access page(external link).

Key Business databases

ProQuest One Business(external link)
A database with resources specifically related to business topics. While searching the ProQuest database, the contents of this database are also included.

CCH Business eBooks(external link) 
A selection of business eBooks that mainly deal with laws and legislations related to business, taxation, employment and HR and related areas. Books are available for one day loan, which the user can renew based on online availability.

LinkedIn Learning- Business Topics(external link)
Tutorials from LinkedIn learning on business topics including accounting, customer relations and software such as MS Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, QuickBooks etc. Other topic areas namely technology(external link) and creative industries(external link) also include relevant resources for business researchers. Need to log into your NMIT account.

New Zealand specific databases

These databases may be useful when searching for articles published in New Zealand or specific to a New Zealand context. 

Australia New Zealand Reference Centre(external link)
Full text articles available from thousands of Australian NZ journals, newspapers etc.

CCH iKnowConnect(external link)
An online platform that provides access to law resources related to New Zealand Business, Employment and HR, GST, income tax, insurance, property, superannuation, trusts and workplace health and safety. The latest edition of New Zealand master tax guide and its update is also available. It also features separate sections for trust precedents and news and articles related to New Zealand business law, taxation and related areas.

Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand(external link) 
An organisation for more than 33,000 accounting and business professionals across New Zealand and Australia.

Digital New Zealand(external link)  
This database aggregates New Zealand-related resources at one place. DigitalNZ includes videos, newspapers, maps, photographs, audio recordings, artworks, news reports, and many other kinds of digital content. Users can access journals related to New Zealand and research theses from academic institutions of this country. Theses and research papers are accessible from Digital New Zealand research papers(external link) and the Digital New Zealand NZ Research(external link).

INNZ Index New Zealand(external link) 
New Zealand Journals indexed by the National Library of New Zealand.

Research Bank(external link)
This is an open research repository that includes research, mainly theses and dissertations,  produced by students and staff while affiliated with Unitec, Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT), Otago Polytechnic, Toi Ohomai and Southern Institute of Technology (SIT). This repository includes mainly recent research produced by these institutions. For a more comprehensive coverage of research produced in New Zealand see Digital New Zealand research papers(external link) and the Digital New Zealand NZ Research(external link).

The Treaty of Waitangi Collection(external link) - BWB eBooks 
This collection includes books that cover diverse aspects of the Treaty of Waitangi. Bridget Williams Collection also includes:

These collections of books explore issues related to New Zealand from an in-depth perspective.

Waitangi Tribunal(external link)
Access to Waitangi Tribunal reports - browse, or search full text.

Other helpful business related databases

EconBiz(external link)
A search portal for studies in business and economics that offers access to full texts on the Internet. EconBiz is continually developed by the German National Library of Economics, world’s largest offline and online infrastructure for economic literature.

International Monetary Fund(external link)
This link provides access to data ranging from International Financial Statistics to Direction of Trade Statistics and other research works published by this international body.

Marxists Internet Archive(external link)
MIA contains the writings of around 850 authors representing a complete spectrum of Marxian political and philosophical thought, spanning the past 200 years. MIA contains writings in 80 different languages, comprising a total size of over 180,000 documents. This archive also contains complete writings of many Marxian thinkers.

Research Papers in Economics(external link)
This is the search interface of one of the largest open bibliographic databases, RePEC(external link), dedicated to Economics. A collaborative network of volunteers from over 100 countries, 95 percentage of RePEc’s resources are open access. It provides not only access to scholarly articles in economics but also but also other specialised services for economics scholars.

UNESDOC Digital Library(external link)
UNESCO’s digital library provides access to not only resources related to UNESCO’s activities but also provides access to collections of general interest including open access resources(external link).

World Bank Open(external link)
Free access to books and journals published by World Bank is provided in this link. It also includes external articles published by scholars commissioned by World Bank.

eSerials online

Journal of Marketing(external link)

National Business Review(external link)
NMIT students can access this magazine, which specialises in New Zealand business and economy, by registering an account using your student email ID and a password of your choice. You can register your account by clicking the subscription option at the top right of the page. Then select the university students’ free subscription offer.

Open Access Journal Databases

DOAJ Business Studies Journals(external link)
A collection of Journals on business studies from the World’s leading open access journal indexing service, Directory of Open Access Journals. Users can also search for journals in related subject areas using relevant keywords such as economics(external link).

ROAD- ISSN- Business Studies Collections(external link)
ROAD: Directory of Open Access Scholarly collections is an initiative by International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) centre. This directory lists open access scholarly collection, which includes journals, conference proceedings, repositories, and blogs. Here the results are filtered down to English resources. More filters are available at the left-hand side. Though duplication can be found with DOAJ, ROAD has got a much bigger collection than DOAJ. By clicking on the link provided along with each journal in the results list, journal can be accessed. In the detailed record of each journal, more links are given, and the top one is the journal website link. Unlike DOAJ, article level search using key words is not available on ROAD. 

Recommended websites

Accounting Standards(external link) 
Accounting standards that apply in New Zealand and related information provided by the External Reporting Board.

Archives New Zealand(external link) 
Offers advice on retaining records and archiving.

AAPNZ(external link)
Find out about the organisation, its history and background.

Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management(external link)
Provides access to management and finance resources related to Australia and New Zealand. Full text conference proceedings(external link) is a great resource. A journal, Journal of Management and Organization, published by this organisation is accessible through ProQuest(external link)

Australia New Zealand Regional Science International(external link)
They publish the Australasian Journal of Regional Studies(external link) (All except the latest one is available for full download), and their newsletter(external link), Sustaining Regions, provides update on regional studies and abstracts of new studies. Their fully downloadable conference proceedings also is an useful resource.

Business Mentors New Zealand(external link)
Offers business mentoring programmes.

BusinessNZ(external link)
Promotes sustainable growth via free enterprise within New Zealand.

Business Plans at BPlans(external link)
Learn how to write your business or marketing plan using templates and marketing.

Economist Intelligence Unit(external link)
Provides in depth commentary on politics, economy, finance, business and regulations of individual countries.

Human Resources Institute of New Zealand(external link)
A professional organisation for the management and development of human resources.

Infometrics Economics and Community Data(external link) - Nelson 
Go to this link to find the Regional Economic Profile and Quarterly Economic Monitor for Nelson Tasman.

Infometrics Economic and Community Data(external link) - Marlborough
Go to this link to find the Regional Economic Profile and Quarterly Economic Monitor for Marlborough District Council.

Inland Revenue(external link) 
The official site for the Inland Revenue department.

IMNZ The Institute of Management New Zealand(external link)
Represents New Zealand’s professional managers and sets standards for management, education, training and development.

International Accounting Standards Board(external link)
The IFRS Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit private sector organization working in the public interest.

Marketing Bulletin(external link)
The archived article copies of this journal, which was published by Massey University, are available here.

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment(external link) 
Business services from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

Net Manners(external link) 
Includes Email Etiquette 101, email etiquette tips and an email etiquette blog.

New Zealand Companies Office(external link)
Includes Companies Register, Personal Property Securities, Financial Service Providers, Disclose Register.

New Zealand Legislation(external link)
Provides access to the Acts, Bills, Statutory Regulations of New Zealand plus links to other relevant sites.

New Zealand Trade Enterprise(external link)
New Zealand government's international business development agency.

Statistics New Zealand Tatauranga Aotearoa(external link) 
National statistical office - New Zealand's major source of official statistics.

Thematic Analysis(external link)
A website on the thematic analysis research method. This website hosted by the University of Auckland focuses especially on the reflexive thematic analysis method propounded by Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke. You can also access the companion website(external link) of the book written by the above-mentioned authors, Thematic analysis: A practical Guide, on this website.

Worksafe New Zealand(external link)
New Zealand’s workplace health and safety regulator.

Further Reading

Additional reading and research resources can be found in the library collection including books and magazines via this link below.

Applied Business(external link)

Taxation & Legislation 2020(external link)

Taxation & Legislation 2021(external link)

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