Mechanical Trades

Check out the research databases and websites below

Discovery Search(external link)

This search interface facilitates simultaneous search of all library resources, including physical and electronic, at one place. You can search print books, eBooks, and all resources available through our databases, such as electronic journal articles, theses, book chapters, and reports, through this platform.

Popular multi-subject databases

The following databases cover a huge range of subjects including maritime, fishing, marine engineering, sailing etc.

ProQuest(external link)
Academic Search Complete(external link)
Science Direct(external link)
Academic OneFile(external link)

Other Useful databases

LinkedIn Learning(external link)
LinkedIn Learning provides access to many useful resources on technology(external link) topics. It also includes relevant learning resources on Business(external link) and creative industries(external link)

Safetyhub(external link)
A database of videos dealing with safety related issues in diverse workplaces. Useful resources for anyone interested in health and safety protocols.

New Zealand specific databases

These databases may be useful when searching for articles published in New Zealand or specific to a New Zealand context. 

Australia New Zealand Reference Centre(external link)
Full text articles available from thousands of Australian NZ journals, newspapers etc.

CCH iKnowConnect(external link)
Employment and HR; GST cases, commentary, legislation; Tax legislation, etc.

Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand(external link) 
An organisation for more than 33,000 accounting and business professionals across New Zealand and Australia.

Digital New Zealand(external link)  
This database aggregates New Zealand-related resources at one place. DigitalNZ includes videos, newspapers, maps, photographs, audio recordings, artworks, news reports, and many other kinds of digital content. Users can access journals related to New Zealand and research theses from academic institutions of this country. Theses and research papers are accessible from Digital new Zealand Research Papers(external link) and Digital New Zealand NZ Research(external link).

INNZ Index New Zealand(external link) 
New Zealand Journals indexed by the National Library of New Zealand.

Research Bank(external link)
This is an open research repository that includes research, mainly theses and dissertations,  produced by students and staff while affiliated with Unitec, Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT), Otago Polytechnic, Toi Ohomai and Southern Institute of Technology (SIT),which are part of Te pūkenga. This repository includes mainly recent research produced by these institutions.
For a more comprehensive coverage of research produced in New Zealand see Digital new Zealand Research Papers(external link) and Digital New Zealand NZ Research(external link).

The Treaty of Waitangi Collection(external link) - BWB eBooks 
This collection includes books that cover diverse aspects of the Treaty of Waitangi. Bridget Williams Collection also includes:

These collections of books explore issues related to New Zealand from an in-depth perspective.

Waitangi Tribunal(external link)
Access to Waitangi Tribunal reports - browse, or search full text.

Recommended websites

Check out these websites for trusted information.

Greatest Engineering Achievements of the 20th Century(external link)
Contains detailed historical information, timelines, and personal essays by key innovators for each of 20 major engineering accomplishments of the 20th century.

How Stuff Works(external link)
Great explanations of how things really work: from your car engine to modems from cameras to tattoos.

Basic Mathematics(external link)
Designed for anyone who needs a basic understanding of mathematics concepts and operations, presented in clear, simple terms. IXL learning's maths section(external link) is also a good resource. Wolfram Mathworld(external link), a free mathematics resource from Wolfram Research  and Mathpages(external link) provide advanced mathematics learning resources.

New Zealand Transport Agency(external link)
Includes information on vehicle safety and standards as well as the New Zealand road code.

Occupational Safety Health(external link) 
Business services from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

Popular Mechanics(external link) 
Popular Mechanics on-line magazine.

Site Safe(external link)
Organisation that assists businesses to improve the health safety culture practice and reduce injuries to the construction industry.

Standards New Zealand(external link)
On-line catalogue of standards, news and copies of draft standards. Please create an account using your NMIT staff email address and follow the setup instructions provided.

Worksafe New Zealand(external link)
New Zealand's workplace health and safety regulator.

Further Reading

Additional reading and research resources can be found in the library collection including books and magazines via this link below.

Mechanical Trades(external link)

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