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Action Point(external link)
Resources related to prevention of alcohol use is compiled in this website managed by Alcohol Health Watch(external link).
Alcohol New Zealand(external link)
Contains support resources related to alcohol, including legislation and policies regarding the supply, and use of alcohol.
Allied Health Aotearoa NZ(external link)
Resources related to different allied health professions in New Zealand.
Australian Indigenous Psychology Education Project(external link)
The resources(external link) of this collaborative project of Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association and Australian Psychologists Association, focus on decolonisation of psychology and culturally sensitive mental health response. It covers resources not only from psychology but also from indigenous studies, health science etc.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare(external link)
AIHW is an independent Australian government agency that compiles Australian health and welfare data.
Best Practice(external link)
Provides evidence-based, educational guidance for primary healthcare professionals in New Zealand.
Enable New Zealand(external link)
ENZ, which is a subsidiary of Te Whatu Ora- Health New Zealand, provides disability services in New Zealand.
College of Emergency Nursing Australasia(external link)
The resources(external link) and research section of this portal collects information regarding emergency nursing.
College of Nurses Aotearoa NZ(external link)
This college is a professional organisation of nurses in New Zealand, which was established in 1992 by the members of the editorial team of the Journal, Nursing Praxis in New Zealand(external link). They also publish Te Puawai(external link), a professional journal.
Community and Public Health(external link)
A public health resources platform managed by Canterbury DHB.
Diabetes on the net(external link)
This website, which is managed by the Wounds Group, features journals and other resources related to diabetes care. This website is also connected to Wounds International(external link), the portal that deal with management of wounds.
Health and Disability Commissioner(external link)
The Health and Disability Commissioner promotes and protects people's rights as set out in the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights.
Health Navigator New Zealand(external link)
Managed by Health Navigator Charitable Trust and supported by organisations including DHBs, this site provides reliable health information and self-care resources.
Health Point(external link)
Healthpoint provides up-to-date information about healthcare providers, referral expectations, services offered and common treatments.
Health Promotion Agency(external link)
Various health promotional initiatives ranging from mental well-being, reduction of alcohol abuse to smoking prevention and includes research resources related to these areas. Health Education(external link) is a website run by HPA that provides resources such as leaflets on various health topics.
Health Quality and Safety Commission New Zealand(external link)
The Health Quality & Safety Commission works with clinicians, providers and consumers to improve health and disability support services, and their resources(external link) and courses provide relevant information on health quality and safety.
Health Research Council(external link)
This Ministry of Health research centre conducts high end research on health issues in the context of New Zealand.
Health Statistics(external link)
New Zealand health data and health statistics collected and produced by the Ministry of Health and the wider health sector.
International Council of Nurses(external link)
The International Council of Nurses (ICN) is a federation of more than 130 national nurses associations (NNAs), representing the more than 27 million nurses worldwide.
Kia Ora Hauora(external link)
KOH-the ‘Māori Health as a Career Programme’ is a national Māori health workforce development programme that was established in 2009 to increase the overall number of Māori working in the health and disability sector.
Learn Online Health New Zealand(external link)
By creating a free account, users can access the courses here.
Māori and Psychology Research Unit, University of Waikato(external link)
MPRU works in collaboration with School of Psychology, University of Waikato to do focused research on psychological priorities and aspirations of Māori people. Their publications(external link) include journal articles, reports and case studies based on their research.
Māori Health(external link)
Information on Māori health provided by Manatū hauora - The Ministry of Health.
Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand(external link)
Involved in all aspects of mental health and wellbeing in New Zealand.
Milbank Memorial Fund(external link)
This foundation which identifies and shares policy ideas and analysis on topics important to state health policymakers, particularly on issues related to state leadership, primary care, aging, and health care costs. Their publications except their journal, such as reports, and issue briefs are fully accessible.
Ministry of Health(external link)
The Government's principal advisor on health and disability.
National Health and Medical Research Council(external link)
NHMRC is the main facilitator of health and medical research in Australia. It also disseminates health advice. About Us section(external link) of this website provides access to their research resources and publications.
Nelson Marlborough District Health Board(external link)
Website of DHB for Nelson Marlborough region.
New Zealand Climate and Health Council(external link)
This organisation addresses the impact of climate change on health.
New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses(external link)
Organisation to support mental health, addiction, and disability nurses.
New Zealand College of Midwives(external link)
Professional organisation of midwives in New Zealand.
New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse(external link)
Operated by University of Auckland under the auspices of Ministry of Justice, this site has resources related to family violence in New Zealand
New Zealand Legislation(external link)
The authoritative source of Acts, Bills and Legislative Instruments.
New Zealand Nurses Organization(external link)
The leading professional body of nurses and allied health professionals in New Zealand.
NICE(external link)
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
Nurse Executives Aotearoa(external link)
NEA is a national network of nurse leaders from health and disability providers, nursing regulation and nursing education providers.
Nursing Council of New Zealand(external link)
The regulatory authority responsible for the registration of nurses in New Zealand.
Office for Disability Issues(external link)
Managed by Ministry of Social Development, this office is New Zealand Government’s focal point on disability issues.
Sax Institute(external link)
An Australian Institute that focuses on policy research on health issues and provides evidence-based solutions.
Science Media Centre(external link)
SMC is part of an international network to provide reliable science information from scientific community to media, and in New Zealand is managed by Royal Society of New Zealand on behalf of Ministry of innovation and Employment. This website also provides links to Scimex(external link), A New Zealand and Australia specific resource for journalists to get information regarding embargoed research. Information from a related blog, sciblogs, an erstwhile blog network of NZ based scientists, has now been archived by National Library of New Zealand(external link).
Statistics New Zealand(external link)
New Zealand's major source of official statistics.
Te Aka Whai Ora–Māori Health Authority(external link)
Māori Health Authority works in equal partnership with Health New Zealand, which came into existence in 1 July 2022 combining District Health Boards in the country. This Authority is intended to build the delivery of health services to Māori with Te Tiriti Principles at the centre.
Te Kaunihera o Nga Neehi Māori o Aotearoa- The National Council of Māori Nurses(external link)
Aims to provide energetic leadership in preserving and promoting the unique position Māori nurses have in achieving outcomes through our health and nursing contributions.
Te Whatu Ora–Health New Zealand(external link)
Te Whatu Ora is the nation-wide organisation that replaces the erstwhile District Health Boards. When the Pae Ora – Healthy Futures Act received Royal assent on 1 July 2022, DHBs transitioned to this nation-wide system. Future of Health(external link) website also provides information regarding this national organisation. Te Whatu Ora works in close partnership with Te Aka Whai Ora–Māori Health Authority.(external link)
Thematic Analysis(external link)
A website on the thematic analysis research method. This website hosted by the University of Auckland focuses especially on the reflexive thematic analysis method propounded by Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke. You can also access the companion website(external link) of the book written by the above-mentioned authors, Thematic analysis: A practical Guide, on this website.
Worksafe New Zealand(external link)
New Zealand's workplace health and safety regulator.
World Health Organization(external link)
WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system.
Wounds International(external link)
This portal provides access to best practice guidelines, journals and other resources related to the management of wounds.
Diabetes on the net,(external link) which features journals and other academic resources related to diabetes, is also connected to this portal, which is manged by the Wounds Group.