Data Repositories

Data Europe(external link)
This is the official data portal of European Union.

Data New Zealand(external link)
This portal compiles data of different government departments and public research institutes at one place. You can search datasets and can filter your results based on institutions that produce data, subject areas (groups), access licences and file formats.

Figshare(external link)
Figshare is an open access repository where researchers can share their research output and get assigned with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Users can also access published articles through this data repository.

Google Datasets(external link)
A search interface powered by Google to search datasets created by institutions and researchers around the world.

Harvard Dataverse(external link)
The Harvard Dataverse Repository is a free data repository open to all researchers from any discipline, not only from the Harvard community, where you can share, archive, cite, access, and explore research data. Researchers’ datasets get assigned with a DOI, and based on the access restrictions put by researchers, users can download its resources.

Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research(external link)
ICPSR is an international consortium of more than 750 academic and research institutions around the world that deals with management of data mainly related to social science research community. This platform is primarily managed by the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan.

Mendeley Data(external link)
Mendeley Data repository, which is managed by Elsevier, is an open access, free cloud-based data repository. You can search this data repository using keywords.

re3data(external link)
A global registry of research data repositories from all academic disciplines.

Statistics New Zealand(external link)
Many datasets on Statistics New Zealand website are also present on Data New Zealand portal. But all data present on Stat NZ website are not available on Data New Zealand.

Zenodo(external link)
Though this is primarily a data repository developed under European Council’s OpenAIRE Consortium, the European infrastructure for open scientific communication, and managed by Europe’s leading research institute CERN, users can also use this site for accessing current research and publications.

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