General Repositories

Digital Commons Network(external link)
Curated by librarians from academic institutions around the world, this network provides free access to all types of scholarly resources, such as journal articles, theses and book chapters, produced by these institutions. Users can search the resources either by using the explore option of the multi-coloured discipline wheel on the front page or through the search box using keywords.

Digital Public Library of America(external link)
A national level network of information institutions in USA that aims to collect freely available digital resources at one place, including ebooks

Free Library(external link)
It started as an online library of classic literary works, and now it offers free access to a huge collection of periodicals including academic journals from almost all disciplines.

Hathi Trust(external link) 
Hathi Trust is a partnership of academic and research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world. Through all non-copyrighted materials are available for free view in full, institutional membership is required for downloading.

Internet Archive(external link) 
It provides free public access to collections of digitized materials, including websites, software applications/games, music, movies/videos, moving images, and millions of books. It includes more than 30 million books and around nine million movies. Way Back Machine service of Internet Archive archives more than 5.5 billion web pages. Open Library (external link)is the library wing of Internet Archive. While a section of the collection is borrowable only for 14 days, most of the titles are accessible for users with a free log in.

Project Gutenberg(external link) 
It is one of the largest repositories of free e books, and different formats of the same document, such as kindle version, epub, pdf etc., are available for full download.

Wikisource(external link) 
Wikisource is a free library operated by Wikimedia foundation that anyone can improve. It includes more than half a million documents in English.

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