Social Sciences

Check out the research databases and websites below
Career Studies- Journals Career Studies- Websites
Counselling- Journals Social Work Journals
Counselling and Social Work- Websites Popular Multi-subject Databases
Key Social Science Databases NZ Specific Databases
New Zealand legislation Other Relevant Social Science Databases

Discovery Search(external link)

This search interface facilitates simultaneous search of all library resources, including physical and electronic, at one place. You can search print books, eBooks, and all resources available through our databases, such as electronic journal articles, theses, book chapters, and reports, through this platform.

Popular multi-subject databases

The following databases cover a huge range of subjects including counselling, social work and related topics.

ProQuest(external link)
Academic Search Complete(external link)
Science Direct(external link)
Academic OneFile(external link)(external link)

To access multisubject search interfaces from leading publishers like Springer(external link) see this Academic Publishers Open access page.

key social science databases

Biography in Context(external link)
Biographical entries on more than half a million individuals, spanning history and geography.

Cochrane Library(external link)
A database that specialises in literature review with special focus on systematic reviews

Contemporary Women's Issues(external link)
Critical matters and events that influence women's lives around the globe.

Global Issues in Context (external link)
Provides information and articles on many of today's global issues including, society, culture, women, children and the family.

Health and Wellness Resource Centre(external link)
Medical and health related information.

LinkedIn Learning(external link)
LL provides access to useful resources on topics such as Business, technology and creative industries. Resources on career development and resume building are included in LinkedIn Learning. You have to sign in using your NMIT login ID.

Psychology and Behavioural Sciences Collection(external link)
Provides access to hundreds of full-text journals and offers particularly strong coverage in child and adolescent psychology and various areas of counselling.

New Zealand specific databases

These databases may be useful when you are searching for articles and other documents published in New Zealand or specific to a New Zealand context.

Australia New Zealand Reference Centre(external link)
Combines magazines, newspapers, newswires and reference books.

Digital New Zealand(external link)  
This database aggregates New Zealand-related resources at one place. DigitalNZ includes videos, newspapers, maps, photographs, audio recordings, artworks, news reports, and many other kinds of digital content. Users can access journals related to New Zealand and research theses from academic institutions of this country. Theses and research papers are accessible from the research papers section(external link) and the NZ Research section(external link) of the website.

INNZ Index New Zealand(external link) 
New Zealand Journals indexed by the National Library of New Zealand.

Papers Past(external link)
Papers past is a service provided by National Library of New Zealand which offers full text access to New Zealand Newspapers, magazines, letters and diaries, and parliamentary papers.

Research Bank(external link)
This is an open research repository that includes research, mainly theses and dissertations,  produced by students and staff while affiliated with Unitec, Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT), Otago Polytechnic, Toi Ohomai and Southern Institute of Technology (SIT),which are part of Te pūkenga. This repository includes mainly recent research produced by these institutions. For a more comprehensive coverage of research produced in New Zealand see the research papers section(external link) and the NZ Research section(external link) of Digital NZ(external link)

Te Ara - The encyclopaedia of New Zealand(external link)
A guide to our peoples, natural environment, history, culture, economy and society.

The Treaty of Waitangi Collection(external link) - BWB eBooks 
This collection includes books that cover diverse aspects of the Treaty of Waitangi. Bridget Williams Collection also includes:

These collections of books explore issues related to New Zealand from an in-depth perspective.

Trove-Australia(external link)
Trove is a discovery tool that focuses upon Australia. It is run by a collaborative network of the National Library of Australia and hundreds of Partner organisations around Australia.

Waitangi Tribunal(external link)
Access to Waitangi Tribunal reports - browse, or search full text.

New Zealand legislation

New Zealand Legislation(external link)(external link)
Authoritative source of New Zealand laws, bills, and other legislations.

New Zealand Parliament Debates (Hansard Reports)(external link)
Here you can read all debates in the House of Representatives of New Zealand Parliament. Under the parliamentary business(external link) tile, you can access other processes related to law making such as select committees and submissions(external link).

Other relevant social science databases

Education Resources Information Centre(external link)
ERIC is an online bibliographic and full-text database of education research and information sponsored by Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education.

JSTOR(external link)
JSTOR is a multidisciplinary scholarly database with a special focus on archival sources. As resources of ARTSTOR(external link) are now integrated with JSTOR, this database has exclusive content from arts and media disciplines. By registering a free personal account on JSTOR, you can read 100 documents, including peer reviewed journal articles, online. To create a free account, click the ‘login through your library’ ink at the top of the page and use the register for a personal account option

Using this link(external link) all open source content from JSTOR, including journal articles, books, and research reports, can be accessed. Resources from South Asia Open Archives(external link), a curated collection of key historical and contemporary sources in arts, humanities and social sciences, from and about South Asia, could also be accessed from JSTOR open.  Independent Voices(external link) is another collection that comprises selections from alternative press during the latter half of the 20th century, includes newspapers, magazines and journals that drew from the special collections of academic institutions and libraries. This collection, the subject span of which ranges from Feminism to anti-war activism, is curated by Reveal Digital and is now made accessible through JSTOR database.

Marxists Internet Archive(external link)
MIA contains the writings of around 850 authors representing a complete spectrum of Marxian political and philosophical thought, spanning the past 200 years. MIA contains writings in 80 different languages, comprising a total size of over 180,000 documents. This archive also contains complete writings of many Marxian thinkers.

National Criminal Justice Referencing Service Virtual library(external link) 
Access to publications by National Criminal Justice Department of USA which covers issues ranging from alcoholism to child abuse to family violence.

NOBA- Psychology(external link)
NOBA project is a collection of learning modules related to psychology. Access to these collections is free.

Philosophy Archive(external link)
PhilArchive is one of the largest open access e-print archives in philosophy. Formerly known as the PhilPapers Archive, it is built on and integrated with the PhilPapers database. Access to items on PhilArchive is free without a user account. PhilArchive is a non-profit project supported by the PhilPapers Foundation. PhilArchive consists entirely of articles submitted by users.

Psychology Archive(external link)
A free preprint service for the psychological sciences like aRxiv and medRxiv. It is maintained by the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science.

Research Papers in Economics(external link)
This is the search interface of one of the largest open bibliographic databases, RePEC(external link), dedicated to Economics. A collaborative network of volunteers from over 100 countries, 95 percentage of RePEc’s resources are open access. It provides not only access to scholarly articles in economics but also but also other specialised services for economics scholars.

SocArXiv(external link)
This archive(external link) provides free, open access platform for social scientists to upload their pre-prints as well as published papers, allowing readers for free download of these resources.

Social Science Research Network
(external link)
SSRN is designed as a pre-print archive that provide access to research papers even before their inclusion in journals and books. Even when the published articles go under paywall, often the original working papers remain as freely downloadable through this network, which features more than one million research papers in more than 60 disciplines.

UNESDOC Digital Library(external link)
UNESCO’s digital library provides access to not only resources related to UNESCO’s activities but also provides access to collections of general interest including open access resources(external link).

World Bank Open(external link)
Free access to books and journals published by World Bank is provided in this link. It also includes external articles published by scholars commissioned by World Bank.

World History Encyclopaedia(external link)
A free online encyclopaedia that focuses on history and heritage. Its resources include print resources, primary materials and other media including videos, images, podcasts etc.

Further Reading

Additional reading and research resources can be found in the library collection including books and magazines via this link below.

Career Studies(external link)

Counselling(external link)

Social Work(external link)

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