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Adoption Action(external link)
Dedicated to Adoption legislation reform in New Zealand.
Adoption New Zealand(external link)
Compiles adoption related information.
Alcohol New Zealand(external link)
Contains support resources related to alcohol including legislation and policies regarding the supply, promotion and use of alcohol.
American Psychological Association(external link)
This site features free curated content from APA’s journals and other publications including summaries of research and topical collections on race and social justice(external link) and gender diversity(external link). It has got special collections on the psychological aspects of racism and discrimination(external link).
Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers(external link)
The professional association for Social Workers in Aotearoa New Zealand. Their official journal is Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work(external link).
Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health(external link)
This professional organisation in the United Kingdom publishes three high impact journals, out of which JCPP advances(external link) is a fully open access journal, and their topic guides(external link) and blogs(external link) cover the current developments in child psychology. They also publish a magazine called Bridge(external link).
Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa/New Zealand(external link)
ASAA/NZ specialises in resources related to Anthropology in New Zealand and has got resources specifically on Māori(external link) like annotated bibliography.
Australasian Society for Intellectual Disability(external link)
This society publishes three hybrid journals, and their resources also include podcasts and IDA, the official magazine of the society(external link).
Australia and New Zealand School of Government(external link)
ANZSOG is supported by New Zealand and Australian Governments and collaborates with partner universities in both countries. It conducts education and government-focused research relevant to the public sector. Evidence Base(external link) is an open access journal published by ANSOG and its research publications(external link) provides valuable public administration resources.
Australia New Zealand Regional Science International(external link)
They publish the Australasian Journal of Regional Studies(external link) (All except the latest one is available for full download), and their newsletter(external link), Sustaining Regions, provides update on regional studies and abstracts of new studies. Their fully downloadable conference proceedings section is also a useful resource.
Australian and New Zealand Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abuse(external link)
ANZATSA promotes professional standards, practices and education in sexual abuse prevention, assessment, intervention and research.
Australian Dictionary of Biography(external link)
Produced by the National Centre of Biography at the Australian National University, ADB specialises in the biographies of significant individuals in Australian history.
Australian Evaluation Society(external link)
Resources of AES is accessible here.
Australian Indigenous Psychology Education Project(external link)
The resources(external link) of this collaborative project of Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association and Australian Psychologists Association, focus on decolonising psychology and culturally sensitive mental health response. It covers resources not only from psychology but also from indigenous studies, health science etc.
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies(external link)
AIATSIS is Australia’s national institute for research on the history and cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia.
Australian Institute of Family Studies(external link)
This Australian government institute has many useful publications that support research on families.
Australian Psychological Society(external link)
APS publishes five journals(external link). Two journals, namely Australian Community Psychologist(external link) and Australian Journal of Psychology(external link) are open access. APS’ psychology topics(external link) collection is freely accessible.
Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors(external link)
This website from the professional body of Australian rehabilitation counsellors includes many useful resources.
Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand(external link)
Though only old issues (2004-2015) of society’s main journal, Script and Print is available for download(external link), its newsletter, Broadsheet(external link), is freely accessible.
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy(external link)
Includes access to resources(external link) such as ethics, good practice, and recent research. Many of the articles published in their journals(external link) are accessible through their website.
Care New Zealand(external link)
Helps people struggling with alcohol and/or drug abuse, as well as their families, whanau and friends.
Careers NZ - Mana Rapuara Aotearoa(external link)
Help to navigate your career and make informed choices.
Community Law (external link)
Every Community Law Centre in New Zealand is a member of our national body, Community Law Centres o Aotearoa (CLCA).
Dehanz(external link)
An online dictionary of education history of Australia and New Zealand.
Disability organisations and websites(external link)
Useful links relating to disability services in New Zealand from the Ministry of Health website.
Education Counts(external link)
Education Counts, managed by the Ministry of Education, is one of the important resources for education statistics and research related to New Zealand. Their publications(external link) are fully downloadable.
Education Outdoors New Zealand(external link)
EONS is a national professional organisation promoting education outside the classroom. The official journal of this organisation and Outdoor Education Australia-Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education(external link)- is a subscription journal published by Springer.
Enable New Zealand(external link)
ENZ, which is a subsidiary of Te Whatu Ora- Health New Zealand, provides disability services in New Zealand.
Global Girmit Institute(external link)
An institute for the study of Girmit diaspora
Human Rights Commission(external link)
The Commission works for a fair, safe and just society, where diversity is valued and human rights are respected.
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs(external link)
IWGIA is an international network that stands for rights of indigenous people around the world. It brings out yearly country reports on indigenous affairs.
Māori and Psychology Research Unit, University of Waikato(external link)
MPRU works in collaboration with School of Psychology, University of Waikato to do focused research on psychological priorities and aspirations of Māori people. Their publications(external link) include journal articles, reports and case studies based on their research.
Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand(external link)
A charity that aims to promote positive mental health and wellbeing.
Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand(external link)
Information training, and support for people experiencing or affected by mental illness.
Mental Health Review Tribunal(external link)
MHRT is an independent body appointed by the Minister of Health under the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992. MHRT’s cases can be accessed from NZ Legal Information Institute MHRT Case Law database(external link).
Ministry of Social Development–Te Manatu Whakahiato Ora (external link)
Research, evaluation and policy advice on significant social issues and programmes.
Multicultural New Zealand: New Zealand Federation of Multicultural Councils(external link)
Umbrella organisation for the ethnic communities of New Zealand.
New Zealand Association of Counsellors(external link)
NZAC is also knows as Counselling Aotearoa. This organisation is the main representative body for counsellors working across diverse counselling environments. Their official journal, New Zealand Journal of Counselling(external link), is an open access, peer reviewed journal.
New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists(external link)
New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists, Te Rōpū Whakaora Hinengaro, is a professional organisation dedicated to the advancement of all forms of psychotherapy in New Zealand, and it works in close integration with Waka Oranga(external link), National Collective of Māori Psychotherapy in New Zealand.
New Zealand Council for Educational Research(external link)
Though articles from their five journals(external link) are not freely accessible, their research publications(external link) are fully downloadable.
New Zealand Drug Foundation(external link)
publishes the online journal Matters of Substance(external link).
New Zealand Family Violence Clearing House(external link)
New Zealand national centre for family violence research and information
New Zealand History(external link)
A Ministry of Culture Website that specifically collects resources on New Zealand history.
New Zealand institute of International Affairs(external link)
collects international affairs articles(external link) connected to New Zealand from around the world, and also publishes the journal New Zealand International Review(external link)
New Zealand Māori Centre of Research Excellence(external link)
Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM) is New Zealand's Māori Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE) funded by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and hosted by The University of Auckland.
New Zealand Police(external link)
This New Zealand police website includes many useful resources including a range of topics relating to family violence(external link).
Neuroscience Research Institute(external link)
A leading brain and nervous system research institute based in Sydney provides access to valuable educational resources ranging from neuro degeneration to mental health(external link).
Office of Early Childhood Education(external link)
OECE is New Zealand’s national body for early childhood education and care. Publishes a subscription based journal, New Zealand International Research in Early Childhood Education Journal(external link)
Office for Disability Issues(external link)
Managed by Ministry of Social Development, this office is New Zealand Government’s focal point on disability issues.
Oranga Tamariki–Ministry for Children(external link)
Oranga Tamariki is the statutory child protection agency in New Zealand. The research section(external link) of OT website includes valuable resources
Outdoor Education Australia(external link)
OEA is the national network of Outdoor education associations in Australia.
Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia(external link)
PESA publishes two peer reviewed journals namely Access: Contemporary Issues in Education(external link) and Educational Philosophy and Theory(external link), and their conference papers(external link) are also a great resource.
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists(external link)
RANZCP is responsible for training, educating, and representing psychiatrists in Australia and New Zealand. Their website includes resources such as practice guidelines and educational materials like Podcast named Psych Matters(external link). RANZP also manages a website that specifically focuses on mental health issues, Your Health in Mind(external link).
Social Workers Registration Board(external link)
SWRB is a Crown entity which is the regulatory authority responsible for the registration of social workers. SWRB’s site includes educational materials including their publications(external link).
Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand(external link)
Full text of its conference proceedings(external link) and other resources are available from this website.
Thematic Analysis(external link)
A website on the thematic analysis research method. This website hosted by the University of Auckland focuses especially on the reflexive thematic analysis method propounded by Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke. You can also access the companion website(external link) of the book written by the above-mentioned authors, Thematic analysis: A practical Guide, on this website.
Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research(external link)
Research reports specifically related to education in New Zealand is accessible from this website. Though the books published by this institute is not available for download, its four journals(external link) are open access.
Waitangi Tribunal(external link)
This official website of the Tribunal collects all relevant documents related to proceedings of the tribunal.
Women Together–Ngā Rōpū Wāhine o te Motu(external link)
A History of Women’s Organisations in New Zealand From New Zealand History(external link) website
Women's Refuge(external link)
Women's Refuge is New Zealand's most significant domestic violence organisation.
Worksafe New Zealand(external link)
New Zealand's workplace health and safety regulator.
Your Health in Mind(external link)
Managed by Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, this site provides expert information on mental illness, treatments, psychiatrists, and how to get help.