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Australian Association for Research in Education(external link)
AARE website provides access to Education Research Matters blog(external link), and other AARE publications(external link) including AARE conference papers(external link) and the official journal, Australian Educational Researcher(external link).
Career Development Association of New Zealand(external link)
CDANZ is the professional body for career development practice in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Careers and Transition Education Association NZ(external link)
CATE is a professional organisation for people working in the fields of career and transition education.
Career Development Institute(external link)
CDI is UK’s professional body for career development professionals. Apart from their publications, some of which need membership, their The CDI(external link) YouTube platform also provide useful resources.
Careers New Zealand(external link)
This website maintained by Tertiary Education Commission provide publicly available careers information service that includes a database of information about occupations and tertiary education and training.
Dehanz(external link)
An online dictionary of education history of Australia and New Zealand. The entries are written by experts in the field.
Education Counts(external link)
Education Counts, managed by the Ministry of Education, is one of the important resources for education statistics and research related to New Zealand. Education Counts publications(external link) are fully downloadable.
Education New Zealand(external link)
ENZ is the government agency for promoting New Zealand as an international education hub aiming to reap the benefits of international education.
Education Review Office(external link)
ERO evaluate and report on the education and care of learners in schools, kura, kohanga reo, puna reo, and early childhood services. ERO research(external link) and ERO review reports(external link) are freely accessible.
Education Outdoors New Zealand(external link)
EONS is a national professional organisation promoting education outside the classroom. The official journal of this organisation and Outdoor Education Australia - Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education(external link)- is a subscription journal published by Springer.
Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia(external link)
Most of their publications including journals and magazines such as Higher Education Research & Development(external link) and HERDSA Connect(external link) and their refereed HERDSA conference proceedings(external link) are fully downloadable.
International Coaching Federation(external link)
This membership organization for trained professional coaches includes six family organisations such as Thought Leadership Institute(external link) and ICF Foundation(external link) (all these sites are accessible from the landing page of ICF) feature Global Digital Library and Research portal(external link).
International Consortium for Educational Development(external link)
ICED Member's Network Journals(external link) website includes some open access journals published by various national bodies, which are members of this organisation.
Māori Education Trust(external link)
Established under the Māori Education Foundation Act 1961, this trust’s basic objective is to encourage Māori into tertiary education this is achieved through the payment of grants and scholarships.
Mayors Taskforce for Jobs(external link)
MTFJ is a nationwide network of New Zealand’s Mayors, working together towards the vision of all young people 16-25 engaged in employment, education, training, or other positive activity in their communities.
Ministry of Education(external link)
This New Zealand Government Ministry website includes many useful resources related to education and career studies.
National Institute for Career Education and Counselling(external link)
NICEC is a UK organisation with an international network for promoting career development theory and practice. Their website provides access to their publications, open access NICEC journal(external link), and access to archived version of Bill Law’s, a career studies theoretician, website, hihohiho(external link), popularly known as career learning café.
National Career Development Association(external link)
NCDA provides professional development, publications, standards, and advocacy to practitioners and educators of career studies. Out of their three journals, NCDA Career convergence: web magazine(external link) is freely accessible. Their directory of career development websites is also a helpful resource.
New Zealand Association for Research in Education(external link)
This leading association for research in education publishes a NZARE blog(external link) and a journal, New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies(external link) (a few articles in each issue are freely accessible).
New Zealand Association for Training and Development(external link)
NZATD is the professional association for workplace learning, performance, training and development specialists in New Zealand. Their resources including the journal, Training and Development, are only accessible for their members.
New Zealand Educational Administration and Leadership Society(external link)
This society publishes journals and magazines such as Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice(external link) and Leading Lights(external link).
New Zealand Council for Educational Research(external link)
This leading educational research organisation in New Zealand publishes many journals(external link) (none of them are freely accessible) and this website also features resources such as Assessment Resource Banks and curriculum documents. Their research reports(external link) are available for free download.
New Zealand Qualifications Authority(external link)
NZQA administers the National Certificates of Educational Achievement (NCEAs) for secondary school students. It is New Zealand's designated National Education Information Centre and qualifications recognition agency.
New Zealand Policy Research Institute(external link)
NZPRI provides research across a broad multidisciplinary programme concerned with people and work. Their NZPRI Document library(external link) collects their research at one place.
Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia(external link)
The publications of this society include journals and PESA conference proceedings(external link). While one of its journal, Access: contemporary issues in education(external link), is fully open access, the other one, Educational philosophy and Theory(external link), is accessible partially.
Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand(external link)
REANNZ, the Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand, is New Zealand’s designated National Research and Education Network (NREN). REANNZ's REANNZ publications(external link) include case studies and annual reports.
Society for Learning Analytics Research(external link)
This inter-disciplinary network of leading international researchers explores the role and impact of analytics on teaching, learning, training, and development. Aside from their high impact open access journal SOLAR: journal of learning analytics(external link), their research SOLAR publications(external link) include all their conference proceedings and position papers.
Staff and Educational Development Association(external link)
SEDA is the professional association for staff and educational developers in the UK, promoting innovation and good practice in higher education. They publish a magazine named Educational Developments(external link) ( accessible with a one year delay from the journal website) and a hybrid open access academic journal, Innovations in Education and Teaching International(external link) (almost half of its articles are freely accessible).
Teaching Council of New Zealand(external link)
The Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand is the professional body for teachers. It ensures quality teaching and high standards by registering teachers, setting and maintaining professional standards.
Teach New Zealand(external link)
This website maintained by Ministry of Education compiles information regarding the teaching profession in New Zealand.
Tertiary Education Commission(external link)
This agency leads New Zealand government’s relationship with the tertiary education sector.
Tāhūrangi(external link) (formerly Tuia Mātauranga)
This Ministry of Education website focuses on Tāhūrangi, an education programme that supports teaching and learning, highlighting local people, places, and events that have helped shape Aotearoa’s histories.
Universities New Zealand(external link)
This agency is the sector voice for all eight universities, representing their collective views nationally and internationally.
Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research(external link)
Established by the Te Kura Toi Tangata Division of Education, University of Waikato, this institute specialises in educational research. Their publications such as WMIER journals(external link) ( three open access and one hybrid open access) and WMIER reports(external link) are mostly freely downloadable.